ABH 3.001

Orange Swift Triodia sylvina

BF 0015

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(Linnaeus, 1761)
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32 - 48 mm. Forewing 12 and 18mm (Male) and 15 and 26mm (Female)


Dimorphic, males being smaller and more brightly coloured than the females. Both male and female Orange Swift moths are generally larger than the equivalent Common Swift moths.Flying later in the year than the other swifts, from July to September, Male brighter than female, but both distinguished from their congeners by the open dark-edged V-shaped diagonal lines on forewing, and the generally much later flight-time.


Life Cycle

Larva feeds within roots of docks, dandelions and other thick-rooted herbaceous plants, and Bracken, over-wintering twice.



this species inhabits waste ground, moorland and other wild places. Common, in gardens, woodland and rough grassland, and on roadside verges, downland and moorland,





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