ABH 3.003

Map-winged Swift Korscheltellus fusconebulosa

BF 0018

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(De Geer, 1778)
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30 -35 mm.


Distinguished from its congeners by the conspicuously barred cilia of fore- and hindwingThis moth gets its common name from the variegated pattern of the forewing, in various shades of black, brown and white, which look rather like a map (although there are plainer forms). Unlike most hepialids, the pattern is rather similar in both sexes although the female is usually rather larger with a wingspan of up to 50 mm.


Life Cycle

The larvae live underground and feed on the roots of Bracken. , over-wintering twice, also found in areas where Bracken does not occur, where the foodplant may be Red Fescue.
The adults fly in June and July.


Often found on on moorland and heathland, and in open woodland and rough pastures





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