ABH 63.018

Elder Pearl Anania coronata

BF 1378

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(Hufnagel, 1767)
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Crambidae » Pyraustinae


22-26 mm


A Dimorphic species, the males having brownish variegated forewings and white hindwings, the females fairly plain dark brown forewings and buffish hindwings.The larvae feed on the young leaves of elder (Sambucus nigra), and the adults can sometimes be disturbed during the day from the foodplant.

Confusion Specues The main confusion species is the far rarer P. stachydalis, which differs, for example, in the distinctly irregular distal edge of the large white spots on the hindwing and forewing — in P. coronata these white spots are neatly delineated and circular — and the slightly falcate wing-tip of P. stachydalis.


Life Cycle

June to July is the main flight period, and the larvae hibernate during the winter, pupating in the spring.The larvae feed on the young leaves of elder (Sambucus nigra), and the adults can sometimes be disturbed during the day from the foodplant.The larvae feed on elderberry, Calystegia sepium, sunflower, Ligustrum, Viburnum and common lilac.



Common on rough ground and in gardens





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