Red Tipped Cudweed Filago lutescens


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Family Asteraceae



A short-lived annual herb ) with a slender tap-root with erect, branching, floweringstems up to 25cm (but usually shorter than this). Leaves of seedlings and young plantsbefore flowering are in a basal rosette, which dies off as the flowering stems develop. Stem
leaves are 3-4mm wide and up to 20mm long. Leaves are characteristically parallel-sided,contracting to a pointed tip, entire, with slightly undulate margins. The stems and leavesare covered with a dense felt of short greyish-white hairs, which sometimes appears to be
slightly yellow.

Flowers produces a single achene of approximately 0.6mm in length. Those produced bythe outermost florets have a pappus longer than the seed .This species can be easily confused with the related Common Cudweed, Filago vulgaris, and
Broad-leaved Cudweed, Filago pyramidata. Neither of these species has red-tippedphyllaries, although the awns can be brown in older specimens. Broad-leaved Cudweed has4-7 hermaphrodite florets in the centre of each capitulum, and spathulate leaves. Common
Cudweed has lanceolate leaves with strongly undulate margins


Vulnerable UK BAP Priority Species since 1998 Schedule 8 Wildlife & Countryside Act (1981)