Common Heather (Ling) ( Calluna vulgaris)


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Family: Ericaceae Heath Family

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Dense undershrub, characteristic of acids soils on heaths and moors; also known simply as heather. Widespread and locally abundant. The short, narrow leaves are borne in four rows along stems. The small pink flowers, 4 to 5mm long, appear July to October. Height up to 50cmCommon Heather. (Calluna vulgaris )) A multi-branched, Dense undershrub, characteristic of acids soils on heaths and moors; also known simply as heather. Or Ling. Widespread and locally abundant. The short, narrow leaves are and scale-like and are borne in four rows along stems. The small pink flowers, borne in long terminal spikes 4 - 5mm long, appear July - October. Height up to 50 cm