Ground Ivy (Glechoma hederacea )


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Family: Labiatae

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Synonyms: Nepeta glechoma, Alehoof, Catsfoot, Hedgemaids, Haymaids, Gill-go-over-the-ground, Gill-go-by-the-hedge, Lizzy-run-up-the-hedge, Robin-run-in-the-hedge.

A low Softly hairy, strong-smelling perennial with creeping stems that root at regular intervals. Found in woodland, hedgerows and grassland; widespread and common. Leaves kidney-shaped and stalked. Violet flowers in whorls of 2 to 4, appear March to June. Height up to 15cm


hairy aromatic perennial with erect shoots of up to 30 cm, which throws out long trailing stems, which root at the nodes. The stem are square. The long-stalked opposite leaves are kidney to heart shaped and are coarsely toothed (making wavy edges to the leaves). The reason why this plant is called ivy is not just from it extremely superficial like-ness to true ivy leaves, but because it is a creeping plant and the leaves stay green through all through the year, barring periods of severe frost.
There are 3-4 two-lipped pale-violet flowers growing together in the axils of the leaves. The petals have purple spots on the lower lips. Occasionally the flowers are pink or white.