Butchers Broom ( Ruscus aculeatus )


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Family: Liliaceae

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Synonyms: 'Sweet Broom', ' Kneeholy', 'Kneeholm' and 'Pettigree'

Branched, shrubby, evergreen perennial of shady woods, often on calcareous soil. Leaves minute but branches flattened to form oval, leaf-like structures, upper surfaces of which bear solitary flowers, January­April. Fruit is a red berry.Height up to 1m

This is an interesting evergreen plant, whose leaves are really modified branches, which end in a sharp prickly point. The male and female flowers are on different plants and grow from the centre of the 'leaf-branches' and blossom early in the spring. Fertilised flowers develop into a red berry, which is ripe in September and stay on the plant all winter. It was often picked as a room decoration for this reason. It is the only shrub found in Britain, which belongs to the Lily family. This small stiff shrub is also known as 'Knee Holly', because it is up to 2 ft or more high.