Common Birds'-Foot Trefoil (Lotus corniculatis)


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Family: Pea Family Fabaceae (leguminaceae)


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Many stemmed trailing Perennial. Widespread and common in grassy places. Leaves comprise five leaflets but appear trifoliate since lower pair sited at stalk base. Yellow or orange flowers appear May- September. Pods arranged like a bird's foot. This low-growing plant is sometimes called 'bacon and eggs' because of its variegated colours as the flowers are opening. Once fully open, the flowers become more of a uniform yellow. Up to 60 cm tall
Leaves are sessile and divided into five broad oblong leaflet
Bright yellow pea-like flowers are carried on long stalked umbels


Birds Foot Trefoil 12049


Birds Foot Trefoil 2562


Birds Foot Trefoil 2555