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Family Acanthosomatidae
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Adult April to October
Length 13- 15 mm
Description A much larger bug than the less elongate Birch Shieldbug E. interstinctus The lateral extensions on the the pronotum are larger in the hawthorn SB and are marked with red, the scutellum is green and the abdomen frequently red-tipped .
Life Cycle Adults over winter emerging in spring to mate Larvae appear May-October, feeding mainly on hawthorn berries, although a range of other deciduous trees are also used, inlcuding oak, hazel and birch. The new generation is complete from August/September or later; adults can undergo a change prior to hibernation.becoming darker
Larvae. Late May - September
Habitat A mixed woodland species but can locate in parks and gardens if there are trees
Distinctive bug with red lateral extension to the pronotum and a red tip to the abdomen
Length 13 - 17 mm
Common Bug which lives on Hawthorn berry.The nymphs feed on hawthorn leaves. The adults feed on the leaves and fruit of the hawthorn When not available move to other trees such as Oak or Whitebeam seldom found where this shrub is not present. Also Females lay egg batches of about 20 on the undersides of leaves these hatch in about 9 days and cluster around the shells till after first moult there is one generation per year and like most shield bugs over winter as adultsAutumn adults hibernating e and appearing again April-July; larvae seen June-August.". These bugs may secrete a strong smelling fluid that can stain the skin the purpose to repel birds and other predators from eating them. Somtimes called Stink Bugs for this reason